Digital Camera Mount |
![]() Just about to counter bore this hole, again located by my micrometer eyeball. I'll admit up front that I forgot to take pictures. So, imagine me cutting a slot with the horizontal mill, a couple of other operations, and then scroll down. |
![]() The rod is a piece of 3/8" drill rod. I cut all the chamfers by eyeballing as well. Same with the cutout. Don't get the idea that I'm bragging or anything. It's just that I've never machined something that I didn't lay out, and realized that it's not always necessary. Oh, and I ruined my first attempt at this part. That was stupidity though, not lack of layout...more like lack of physical space in my operating envelope. More of a fender bender than a crash. Ahem. Moving on. |
![]() So what is this for? Yeah, I'm just teasing you and I'll blather on for a moment before the big reveal. I bought this housing (waterproof) for my digital camera so I could take videos from inside the CNC cabinet. Huh? |
![]() A bit primitive, yet functional. |
![]() Ahhhhhh you say! This is getting interesting. Well, that's what I said to myself. I don't mean to speak for you. That's annoying. |
![]() I imagine this will come in handy at home as well. Sometimes the light is low and makes it hard to get a good exposure so this is my machinist's monopod. Or my photographer's magnetic indicator base camera holder thingamajig. Did it work? I hope you have broadband...or you might never find out. The movie file below is a big dog. The part is the base for a vise stop being milled in the HAAS VF0. I did pretty much all of the programming on this one. |