Dake Arbor Press Stand

Nothing crazy here but I picked up a nice (but poorly painted) Dake arbor press on Craigs List. I needed a stand for it so I bought some 3" C-channel and set to work.

Cut, grind, weld, drill, fasteners, done.

I found some solid metal casters at the junk place. Two that swivel. Two that don't.

Yes, I tightened the nuts after I took this shot. Sheesh.

Yeeeep, needs some 1/2" bolts. The red stand came with the press.

This is not much of a glamour shot but it works, doesn't tip over, and I didn't drop the whole thing on the floor getting it up onto the stand. As you can see I took some precautions.

See what I mean about the ugly paint? Who would do something like that? Was this guy getting his arbor press mixed up with someone else's at work?

Some day I'll get it blasted and repainted.